illustration by Marc Hughes for the PlannersWeb

Media & Press

The best way to avoid “bad press” is to take steps to avoid it in the first place.

As a public figure (and, yes, as a planning commissioner you’re a public figure!), you can expect to be sought out by the media.

You want to be friendly and open. But always remember that the media are business, and report news in the way they believe will best attract and hold their readers’ attention.

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Smart Messages

How we frame our messages to the public is of critical importance in how they’re received, argues planning consultant Dave Stauffer.

silhouette of a head with the word "news" visible

Think Like a Reporter

Newspaper reporter and planning commissioner David Essex explains why it’s important to know what’s news and what isn’t when dealing with the press.

television reporter interviewing someone

Dealing With the Press

Journalist and publications specialist Dan Hamilton offers his insights on the most effective techniques planning boards can use when dealing with the press.